
Sunday, 14 September 2014

ASA Violations - Some Progress

You may recall I wrote a post about Islington Homeopathy Clinic (IHC) and their violations of the ASA Code of Practise. If you don't recall, here it is.

Turns out I'm not the first person to mention this to the ASA as the IHC is already on the ASA's 'Compliance' list. This is a list of all homeopathic providers to check that they are doing what they should be doing, which in this case is not claiming their magic sugar pills can cure serious medical conditions.

Nancy Malik originally said the IHC was 'defying' the ASA. Well it urns out they probably haven't been told off yet, so just one more thing 'Dr' Malik is wrong about. Maybe the ASA's judgment was too watered-down to make them pay attention.

For those that are reading this and it all seems like a bit of a waste of my time, I'd encourage you to think differently. What if the ASA wasn't aware? What if the IHC had already told to desist and hadn't? That would've been a very good thing to tell the ASA about. And even if they already know about it, it's always good to remind them that there are concerned citizens who care about honest advertising. It's rare that a big organisation holds an openly skeptical worldview, the ASA is one of them; let's use that to our advantage.

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